Extension date: 2/23/2022–3/23/2022 10:00 UTC
With excitement we announce the extension of Airdrop Z event which is open for participation by individuals until due date or the required entries completed. Airdrop Z is a dual mode social based event focused on new individuals and current holders of the $PYD token existing on the Binance smart chain network.
This Airdrop Z is been extended due to the required entries which hasn’t been completely reached and is currently open for participation.
PayPDM is a decentralized financial firm which brings traditional finance to mainstream using the adoption of blockchain technology for the improvisation of finance through the use of digital assets in everydays life.
PayPDM token ($PYD) is a tokenized asset with provision from the firm and is focused on the finance facilitation of the firm alongside developments with no exception to value based mechanisms.
Airdrop Z participation explained below;
a. Regular —
individuals can participate in the Airdrop Z under the Regular category by completing social tasks and filling up the airdrop short form.
This regular category is open for 500 more entries and would be closed once entries threshold are reached.
b. Holders —
This category is reserved for holders alone which includes new holders who also complete the airdrop short form.
This holders category is open for 822 more entries and would be closed once entries threshold are reached.
How to participate?
a. Regular
Social tasks includes -
Follow us on Twitter, retweet pinned post & tag 3 friends — 10 points
Follow us on Medium — 10 points
Follow us on Telegram community & Telegram Announcement — 5 points
Follow us on Instagram — 5 points (optional)
Add #PayPDM hashtag to your twitter bio — 5 points (optional)
Make a good tweet on Twitter using this tags[ #PayPDM, #LowCapGem, #Trending] — 10 points (optional)
Leave a good comment on our Telegram community — 5 points
Referrals > 3
Participants needs to complete the required tasks and submit wallet address.
Double entries would lead to disqualification.
Participate now | Regular category
b. Holders
Social tasks includes -
Follow us on Twitter, retweet pinned post — 10 points
Follow us on Telegram community & Telegram Announcement — 10 points
Hold atleast $10 worth of $PYD in your smart chain address — 30 points
Referrals > 0
Participants needs to complete the required tasks and submit wallet address.
Double entries would lead to disqualification.
Participate now | Holders category
How to purchase $PYD tokens — Learn more
Support Center
For help and other inquiries, send a request to help@paypdm.org
For marketing purposes, send a proposal to marketing@paypdm.org