PayPDM Staking pool v1 Explanatory— Single asset staking & Liquidity pool staking

PayPDM officially launches Staking pool v1
With reference to our roadmap, PayPDM is excited to announce the release of the official staking pools.
This staking pool is tagged PayPDM staking pool v1 which relates to the early version of stakings under the PayPDM developments.
This is focus on holders rewards where applicable and and the use of passive rewards for staked funds while providing healthy growth to the PayPDM system.
Staking pool v1 is developed and effected to provide a healthy market system to the firm and the community in general.
Staking pool v1 is provided through the use Dodo environs to effect the use of stakings and rewards disbursement in the early stage of stakings and LP’s.
Staking pool v2 is currently under development and this consist of a full-functional DEX under the auspices of PayPDM providing a Swap DAPP, Farms, Vaults and Liquidity provision.
Staking rewards table
Staked assets ($) — $$$
Hourly APR — 0.051%
Daily APR — 1.24%
Yearly APR — 452.6%
This staking pool v1 is shared into;
Single asset staking pool
Liquidity staking pool
Single asset staking pool —
This staking pool is a single asset pool which requires only asset which is $PYD. Rewards are released at periodic intervals automatically.
Single asset staking pool offers > 100% APR.
The single asset staking pool durations is focused from;
March 1st, 2022 to May 30th, 2022 at 13:00 UTC and March 1st, 2022 to August 28th, 2022 at 13;00 UTC.
Liquidity staking pool —
This staking pool is a liquidity staking pool. Participation in this liquidity pools requires $PYD and $WBNB to the PYD:WBNB pool
Liquidity pool offers > 100% APR and staked funds are rewarded with LP’s.
The liquidity staking pool durations is focused from;
March 1st, 2022 to May 30th, 2022 at 13:00 UTC and March 1st, 2022 to August 28th, 2022 at 13;00 UTC
You can stake $PYD tokens using the following process below,
Rewards are applicable to all staked funds alongside the estimated duration. Here is an opportunity to earn good rewards on your tokens which provides good APR (>100%)
This pool is officially live from, March 1st, 2022 13:00 UTC:
PayPDM Staking pool v1 is live on
Single asset staking pool only
Note —
Have your metamask wallet with $PYD tokens ready.
Also have some little BNB for gas fees only
Rewards are allocated for staked funds only under any of the official pools.
Breaking from the staking pools would require a penalty where possible.
Getting started:
1. Access the official url —
2. Select your preferred staking pools with decision to durations.
(Either 90 days or 180 days duration)
3. A dodo environ page opens, click on the stake button
4. Connect your wallet through “WalletConnect”
(Metamask & Trust Wallet, recommendable)
5. Input your desired amount of tokens to be staked.
6. Have a final review
7. Click to stake!
8. Viola! You just staked your first $PYD tokens.
Liquidity pool stakings only
Note —
Have your metamask wallet with $PYD tokens and BNB
Rewards are allocated for staked funds only under any of the official pools.
Breaking from the staking pools would require a penalty where possible.
Getting started:
1. Access the official url —
2. Select your preferred liquidity pools staking with decision to durations.
(Either 90 days or 180 days duration)
3. A dodo environ page opens, click on the stake button
4. Connect your wallet through “WalletConnect”
(Metamask & Trust Wallet, recommendable)
5. Input your desired amount of $PYD and the desired amount of BNB for the LP pool.
6. Have a final review
7. Click to stake!
Viola! You just joined the liquidity staking pool.
Video — Single asset & LP staking pool
[coming soon]
How to purchase $PYD ?
Learn more