PDM Swap & PYD Wallet — Detailed Concept

3 min readMar 9, 2022


PDMSwap is a next generational decentralized app (dapp) currently positioned on the Binance smart chain network. PDMSwap is one of the major utilities of PayPDM and this decentralized platform provide users the accessibility of trading, stakings, farmings, liquidity provision and also vault.
PDMSwap is focused on the Binance smart chain network currently, with a schedule improvisation to support multi chains which includes; Ethereum, Fantom & Avalanche (AVAX).

Primary components of PDMSwap includes the following;

Vault — This is a storehouse provided for users with enthusiasm for non-custodial management. As the name implies, “Vault” provides users with a treasury platform in a decentralized environment giving users complete authority over their decisions.

Farms — A decentralized environment where tokenized assets are being brought together for the aim of earning rewards and providing a good market system in a safe way. Users who make use of this farms are briefly called “Farmers” and this rewards are disbursed in respect to the APR.

Pools — A decentralized circle where assets are being collected in a single position which includes the use of liquidity pool stakings and single assets stakings. The staking pools are accessible round the world with no restriction to geographic location.

PYD Wallet is a mobile-app based wallet provided by PayPDM to her users for the use of management of funds and other decentralized services usability all within one interface under a decentralized environment in respect to the non-custodial protocols.
PayPDM Wallet is understood to have the followings on the app;

Dual-mode wallet — This is a unique feature which is being implemented to help users handle their funds in two different operating environment. This includes; Hot wallet and Cold wallet.
Wallet can be accessible through default authentication set by the user and also through an offline storage which is ultimately the use of secret phrase.
Furthermore, Funds can splitted or shared into the two wallet sections. This also has a security audit implementation included which helps to read and understand interaction with codes making it safe for users preferences.

Stakings — The staking pool Is officially included in-app and this brings the opportunity of staking through few clicks. Rewards earned are available with respect to the rewards disbursement in line with the calculated APR

Main Wallet — This is the main dashboard where users can store cryptocurrencies, with a feature of sending and receiving which means users can click on the send button to issue out crypto to friends and others, as well as click on the “receive” button to receive and also send request for crypto payments all within the app.

PayPDM Wallet (PYD Wallet) would be available on major app platforms which includes Google PlayStore and Apple App store.

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Telegram Community (t.me/paypdmofficial)

Telegram Announcement (t.me/paypdm)




PayPDM is a decentralized financial firm for the standardization of cryptocurrencies through the use of blockchain based developments. https://www.paypdm.org